O‘ahu – 808.589.1829 Ext. 200
Hawai‘i – 808.854.9032
Our Wraparound Services is an intensive, comprehensive family-driven planning and problem-solving process. Wraparound brings together a team to help youth and their families live together safely and productively. The wraparound approach builds on collective strengths to ensure appropriate service delivery in meeting the youth and family’s needs.
Each participant is assigned a Wraparound Facilitator and Community Navigator(s). Parents can also choose to have parent peer support services from a partnering family agency. Wraparound staff work with all team members to develop an individualized Plan of Care that guides the team’s efforts in creating and carrying out strategies to meet the youth and family’s prioritized needs.
Eligibility Criteria
Youth ages 12 through 21, who are involved in or at risk of involvement with the Juvenile Justice System who are:
• Incarcerated at the Hawai‘i Youth Correctional Facility
• On parole or probation with complex familial needs and are involved with multiple service providers
• At the Detention Facility or at risk of being placed on probation
• On the waiting list or residing in a safe house residential program
• At risk of or are placed in an institution in Hawai‘i or the U.S. mainland; or currently reside in an out-of-home placement in Hawai‘i