Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Ron Musch
Chief Program Officer


Ron comes to Hale Kipa with over four decades of international experience in non-profit and government agencies. Because his natural passion is other-focused, he has utilized his skillset as a leader, mentor, and coach to help others. His service began in 1978 as a founding crew member of Mercy Ships, a non-profit, bringing medical relief to the needy. Since 1999 he co-founded two non-profits and was the Director of Constituent Services to 450,000 people for CA Assembly District 14 and 16. During this time he also worked to bridge the local government and faith community to address challenges including foster care, the unhoused population, and the prevention of recidivism. His work in Europe, Asia, Africa, the South Pacific, and the US forged his deep appreciation for the world’s diverse cultures and people.