Hale Kipa’s Department of Residential Services
The mission of Hale Kipa’s Department of Residential Services programs is to support youth ages 12 to 21 who have been abused, neglected, homeless, or in crisis.
In recent years, the department has cultivated a more hands-on approach to ensure the young people it serves are well-equipped to become responsible, self-sufficient, and financially stable.
Within the department, the Hale Kipa Transitional Living Program is a safe living place for young adults ages 18 to 21 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Our team delivers counseling, skill-building, and case management so they can continue their educations, secure employment, and ultimately become independent, responsible young adults. We also link participants with financial support such as SNAP benefits and workforce development to transition into permanent housing.
Our Independent Living Training Home provides skill-building services to men ages 17 to 21 who are on parole or probation. It is designed to help them obtain education, employment, and safe living arrangements.
The Hale Lanipōlua Assessment Center is a haven for young people ages 12 to 17 who are victims of commercial and sexual exploitation and trafficking to help them gain a renewed sense of hope for a brighter future. In this comfortable accommodation, our staff provides holistic care, such as meals and referrals to medical care. We also work to help these resilient young adults by offering counseling, life skills building, and educational programs so they can heal and rebuild their lives.
Our Emergency Shelters provide services for youth ages 12 to 17 who have been abused, neglected, or are in crisis. Our 24-hour support includes coordination with schools and social services, skill building, counseling, and a structured, supervised living environment with nutritious meals and other necessities. As our community’s needs change, Emergency Shelters staff strives to learn and seek creative ways to best meet the changing needs of the youth we serve.