Since 2002, the National Runaway Safeline (NRS) has recognized November as National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM). NRS created NRPM to raise awareness of the challenges of runaway and homeless youth and their families and educate the public about the role they can play in reducing the risk.
NRS’s mission is to keep runaways safe and off the street. To serve these at-risk youth, the organization’s trained professionals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen and provide free, confidential counseling and non-directive, nonjudgmental support.
Hale Kipa provides similar local services in partnership with Waikiki health, by providing counseling and other support services to Oahu’s homeless, at-risk young people through the Youth Outreach (YO!) program in Waikiki. Throughout NRPM, Hale Kipa will continue to highlight its efforts and increase understanding of homeless and runaway youth.
Homeless youth are often runaways as well. Interviews conducted of 151 street youth ages 12-14 as part of a 2018 study undertaken by Hale Kipa, Waikiki Health, Hawaii Kids Count, and the University of Hawaii at Manoa Center on the Family, found that nearly a fifth of respondents also considered themselves current runways or throwaways.
In recognition of NRPM, NRS encourages municipalities and organizations across the country to display green lights as a symbol of hope. Oahu’s own Honolulu Hale will be illuminated in green lights, a result of a partnership between Hale Kipa and the City & County of Honolulu. The mayor’s office also offered a proclamation in support of NRPM.
To learn more about runaway and homeless youth, go to: https://www.1800runaway.org/