On May 31, 2019, Anna O’Briens hosted the 7th Annual Bonzo’s Birthday Brouhaha to benefit Hale Kipa.
The fundraiser and hygiene supply drive raised $1,675, in addition to in-kind donations of clothes, linens and toiletries to support at-risk youth.
There was a silent auction featuring original art by Marissa Buendicho and 10-year-old Emi Castanzariti. Body Glove donated a certificate for two aboard their deluxe snorkel & dolphin watch, and Jamie DeMatoff of KROCK 101.5 contributed raffle swag.

Our thanks to Cathy Malia Lowenberg who served as the coordinator, to Wendy Wink for fundraising and to Angela Keen as the emcee. Special thanks to Anna O’Briens and all the talented musicians and audience members who came out to support the cause and make this such a successful and fun event.
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